Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Persuasive Essay On Growing Up - 1829 Words

From the day you are born, to the day you die, society applies pressure to who you think you should be. Growing older does not free you from all the expectations of your youth, and sometimes, wisdom and freedom do not come with age. Throughout your entire life, you will be told what you should look like and what you should enjoy doing. Growing up comes with restrictions; more responsibility, sometimes less stability and a whole new set of expectations for how you should look. You lose the freedom to dream and explore yourself due to the expectations of others. It can also come with wisdom, friendship and maybe even love. Kids are told to figure out who they are as people when they are only young, but they have a long life ahead of them to†¦show more content†¦Long grey hair and a beard are not things associated with being a baby. Babies are small with no teeth, they giggle at nothing and always look happy. Once you become a teen, acne is everywhere, hair is dyed a horrid col or and your clothing decisions can be debatable. Adults are put together, old people look peaceful, heaven forbid someone over the age of 18 has pink hair! What is the point in living your life, if you cannot be yourself? Life should come with freedom instead of constrictions. It does not matter how old you are, looking a certain way is not exclusive to any age group. Since you were young, you have likely heard adults say, â€Å"Teenagers are lazy,† or â€Å"Wisdom comes with age.† These statements generalize people, making it seem wrong to be an old person who is not the smartest or a hard-working teenager. Consequently, humans tend to conform to these clichà ©s, because they may become ridiculed if choosing to remain astray. Benjamin is anything but expected, and his behaviors are not always of typical kids. He eventually tries to fit in, like most people do and acts immaturely. 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